Saturday, September 08, 2012

Feed me right!

Whether or not your baby will grow up to be an obese Adult, is partly in your hands!
Every son or daughter would vouch for the fact that one of the primary aims of parents, especially mothers, is to stuff them with all possible food available, world hunger and poverty be damned! And as a helpless tot, all you can do is burp. But here is something they would love their parents to read; now if only they took time off from making all those meaningless noises to get the li’l one’s attention! Researchers at the Institute of Child Health, London, have reported that 20% of adult obesity is caused due to this attitude and the practice of over-feeding in infancy.

Throughout the years, doctors have been voicing the benefits of breast-feeding, and besides the reasons of higher immunity being developed through breast-feeding, research now reveals that with bottle and formula feed, the baby ends up consuming more food than is required, which in turn results in them developing larger appetites. And with the development of a large appetite, there are more chances of the baby growing into an over-weight adult.

Priya Vashisht gave birth to a baby boy five months ago. After two months of rest, she rejoined work. On enquiring about her baby’s food routine, Priya said, “I had switched to bottle-feed after three months of my delivery. Breast-feeding is a tedious process. Also, now that I’m in office during the day, it’s easier with the bottle. And when we have easier options, why not?” Priya isn’t the only woman with this thinking, for there are many more like Priya who prefer to switch to easier options of feeding the baby, much sooner than the recommended period. 

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.
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