Although this rara avis called déjà vu literally means ‘already seen’, it connotes many other abstract monologues of the mind. The most typical example of this phenomenon happens when during a course of events, one suddenly experiences a sense of familiarity with it, in a way of having already experienced a similar sequence of events before. Or it could also be a case of relating with an entirely new place such like one has known it for ages. This overwhelming sensation may already have been defined and classified into different categories by researchers as déjà vecu (already lived through), déjà senti (already felt), déjà visite (already visited before) et al, they all still remain just as elusive to explanations as déjà vu...
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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam chaudhuri
Visit also:- IIPM Publication and Business & Economy
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam chaudhuri
Visit also:- IIPM Publication and Business & Economy